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The Oscars 2021 award for the best actor took a dark turn for the fans and well-wishers of Chadwick Boseman who were looking forward to celebrating this award for the deceased veteran actor. He was nominated as one of the best actors after his spectacular display in the movie "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom". On the other hand, Anthony Hopkins was named the winner of the best actor award for his role in "The Father".

"Why?", everyone has asked. Are the fans and well-wishers of Chadwick just being sentimental because he had been taken away from them so early, and giving him the award would have recompense for the loss they feel? Or did he deserve it over Anthony Hopkins?

Here's what we know:

Undoubtedly, the American Actor "Chadwick Boseman" born in Southern Carolina was a great actor and played his role as "Levee the Trumpeter" perfectly. But compared to the role of Anthony Hopkins as "Anthony" an old man who never came to terms with what looks like dementia, it's a long shot.

In all honesty, the role of Chadwick Boseman seemed more like a lighter role compared to Anthony Hopkins'. Anthony spectacularly owned the role in the movie "The Father" by allowing all the spectrum of emotions to go through him in every scene showing a different attitude, reaction, and disposition in every appearance. One moment he was the loving and charismatic father, scenes later he was an angry and vindictive old man. In other scenes, he appeared so calm like someone who had everything together, the next he was like a mean old hag. The best part and heartbreaking part was his final transformation at the closing stage of the movie.

With this kind of performance, it was evident that Anthony Hopkins was a strong contender for the Oscars and not a pushover. Whoever was going to challenge that act had to come correct. Moreover, the late dramatic release of the movie "The Father'' and it's late entry into the Oscars nomination meant most of the voters watched it later than "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" and they thought Chadwick votes would have surged higher before now. I guess they were all wrong.

Also, it was important to note that records have shown that actors who were deceased before an Oscars award usually concede. Only 2 out of 9 actors who have been nominated to win the award after their deaths have won it. Does this imply that the saying: "In the end, the dead are eventually forgotten… " is true? Or Anthony Hopkins' performance in "The Father" was just one hell of a performance to go up against?

Here's the thing:

"Má Rainey's Black Bottom" was a movie rooted in American history, a jazz age, and plots about the racial trespasses. It was a great movie, but people tend to get bored of something similar and repetitive. "The Father" by comparison is more outskirt - more international. Imagine my surprise that the movie was originally written in French, translated into productions around the globe, and acted by an 83-year old Welshman. Well, I guess that did it for the Oscars voters.

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